This website does not host any audio/visual content. All media come from other sites such as Dailymotion, Google Video, YouTube,etc. Therefore, this site has no control over the copyright issues of the streaming media or related issues. All issues concerning copyright violations should be aimed at the sites hosting the material. This site does not host any of the streaming media and the owner has not uploaded any of the material to the video hosting servers. Anyone can find the same content on Google Video or YouTube by conducting a manual search on any internet search engine.
The owner of this site cannot know which tv shows, plays, drama searies, film works, movies, documentaries or anime/cartoons are in public domain, which has been uploaded to e.g. google video etc. and which has been uploaded without permission. The owner of this site is also willing to remove any violating material immediately upon request(Contact Webmaster). The copyright owner must further contact the source if he wants his material off the Internet completely. The owner of this site places emphasizes on the following: 1) the owner of this website has no knowledge that material posted is infringing 2) the owner does not benefit directly from these material 3) the owner removes infringing material immediately upon learning of violations. Webmaster LINKS TO THIRD PARTY SITES Any links to other websites or Internet locations from this website have been provided for your convenience only. Out site does not endorse, sponsor, or approve any of the content of such websites or locations. Out site has no control over any of the websites or other Internet locations that you may access through this website, and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the content of any such websites or locations. If you access any other website or Internet locations through this website, you do so at your own risk.